A Note from Angela

This is a dedication page for the video series, Sex Love and Intimacy after Spinal Cord Injury and the web archive.

A Note from Angela

Doctor Angela Riccobono

Dear visitor,

This video archive and website is a resource for people living with spinal cord injury, their partners, and the healthcare professionals who treat them. Our goal was to create a platform that provides the knowledge and practical information needed to encourage communication and instill hope that love, sex and intimacy are all possible after spinal cord injury.Love yourself, be adventurous, and remember, sex is fun. Get in touch with your local community and reach out to your peers for mentors, friends and maybe even love.

Warmest Regards,


This website is dedicated to Jack Hofsiss


Jack Hofsiss was brilliant, witty, kind, a dear friend and the youngest director to win a Tony award at age 28 for his work on “the Elephant Man” in 1979.  He was one of the most sought-after directors, until 1985, when he became a quadriplegic from a diving accident. Over the years, he helped me understand how disability affects self-worth, the impact of how one is perceived by themselves and others, and the endless yearning of a life without love.


No health care professional ever talked to Jack about sex after spinal cord injury, confirming what he feared most - that no one would ever love him “like this”.  He remained convinced that others viewed him as an asexual being. This perception of himself and others became his reality. In the 31 years after his injury, Jack never had an intimate relationship. His greatest sadness wasn’t ever walking again, but rather never finding love again.

He passed away in 2016. I believe he died from loneliness.  Before his death, Jack urged me to shine a light on this issue in order to help others. This website is dedicated to him for inspiring the quote that is the heart of this project, “the conversations we avoid are exactly the ones we need to have”.

Learn more from his obituary in the New York Times



Also in loving memory of Damon Rozier

Damon Rozier.jpg

Damon was an inspiration to many and an enthusiastic actor and participant in this project.

He shared his light and his knowledge with us and we hope that everyone who sees these videos are inspired by his passion for life and for love.

Enjoy, connect and don't forget to laugh!
